• The Best $20.00 Ever Spent!

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    Entering the cute kid contest for a chance to win a $25,000* college tuition fund was the best $20.00 ever spent.


    Many parents enter their children into contests like this, but few ever win the grand prize. For one lucky family, the decision to enter their child into the contest paid off in a big way.


    The cute kid contest was a nationwide competition that was open to children aged 0-12 years old. The competition was fierce, with thousands of entries from all across the country. The judges were tasked with the difficult job of selecting the cutest child from all the entries.


    After much deliberation, the judges finally announced the winner. To the surprise and delight of the family, their child had won the grand prize of a $25,000 college tuition fund.


    The family was overjoyed at the news of the win. They knew that this prize would change the future for their child. The $25,000 would cover the majority of their child's college education, freeing up valuable funds for other expenses. The family also knew that this money would help their child to achieve their dreams and to have a bright future.


    In conclusion, the best $20.00 ever spent was on entering the cute kid contest and winning the $25,000 college tuition fund. This win has not only changed the future for the child but also for their entire family. The prize money has taken the burden of paying for a college education off the family and allowed their child to follow their dreams.


    This win was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the family is grateful for every single penny spent on entering the contest.