• Make Sure You Fill The Frame!


    Filling the frame is simply zooming in or cropping your image so that it fills or mostly fills the entire picture.


    This simple trick has a huge impact on your pictures and will help you catch the judges attention. Most winning photos fill the frame. - Just take a look below to see some great examples.

  • How to Fill The Frame

    It's simple just zoom in on your subject or crop existing photos to make them stand out.

    broken image

    Frame Not Filled

    This is a great picture, but it doesn't stand out since it does not fill the frame.

    broken image

    Frame is Filled

    This is the same picture that has been cropped to fill the frame and creates a much better photo.

    Filling the Frame Wins!

    All of these pictures Fill the Frame and have won great prizes!

  • broken image

    This picture fills the frame perfectly and it won $25,000 in the Gerber Baby Contest.

  • broken image

    Here's another great example it won a $25,000 College Tuition Fund In the Cute Kid Contest